1. 2025 Senior League
Our goal is for you to have some fun and win some prizes.
The league is co-ed with ladies and gentlemen playing together. League entry fee is $70 paid in cash or
check (checks made out to Richard Lund) at the time of sign up. Your entry fee entitles you to play in the
league, eligible for prizes and the season year-end luncheon. All the entry fee proceeds go back to the
League starts the 1st Tuesday in May using a shotgun start. Start time is at 9:00 a.m. in May/June with an
earlier start at 8:00 a.m. for July/August, depending on when course maintenance is done. We will operate
on the assumption that we will be playing, even if it is raining where you live. A final decision usually will
not come until the morning of play, so call the clubhouse if in doubt. Speed of play is important, and we
should always be aware of playing “Ready Golf.”
Makeup rounds are accepted. We prefer you play on league day but realize things do come up. Makeup
rounds may be made up one week prior to being gone or one week after but must be completed prior to
next Tuesday’s league play. Please understand that last week of play cannot be made up for any reason.
Makeup scores do not count towards the weekly events/prizes. All makeup rounds should be witnessed by
another golfer, signed by the golfer making up the round and the scorecard turned in to the pro shop after
the round. Makeup scorecards should be marked “SENIOR MAKEUP” with the league date being made
Even though this is not the US Open, there are prizes at stake. We will play by The Rules of Golf. Richard
Lund and Mike Walz comprise the “Committee” and have final authority to resolve any issues. The best
general advice is, play the course as you find it, and play your ball as it lies, do not touch it, move it around
between the tee – green and count all strokes. There are no gimmies (All putts must be putted in the
cup)! Golf: Individual game of honor.
Out of Bounds: In 2019 there was a new option added for out of bounds shots. The Senior League will
observe the Rules of Golf and the new option available. Out of bounds is marked by white stakes on #1, #5,
#6 and #9 fairways. Out of bounds is also on #1 and #4 where shots are outside the course fence.
Score Cards: Please turn in one score card per foursome with LAST NAME and FIRST INITIAL of each
player, “legibly printed” on them. Unreadable scorecards cannot be entered into weekly scoring and
will not be included. Scorecards are to be agreed to by all players in the foursome. Signed and attested
scorecards are final.
Point Parameters and league postings: Each week I will post weekly and season total stats along with weekly
event winners in the pro shop. They will also be posted online at mountainvistagreens.com. Scores will not
be posted until the following Saturday so that makeup’s can be entered for that week’s play. I enter all the
scores myself so if there are discrepancies or questions do not hesitate to ask. You can receive points in a
couple of ways. You will receive 20 points for showing up each week, and 2 points for each person you beat
and 1 point for each person tied.
Handicaps: For new players, starting handicaps will be based on three 9 – hole rounds turned in prior to the
first week’s play. Players from prior year’s play will start the season with prior season’s ending handicap. The
software the league uses will calculate handicap changes automatically during the season. Ladies play the
Red tees and men play the Gold tees.
Prizes and Points: There are weekly events which are both individual and team. At the end of the year, the
weekly event winners will be announced. The top two individual finishers in each division will be recognized
based on point accumulation throughout the season. Gift certificates will be presented to the winners. If you
have any questions, please contact Richard Lund. (970) 419-0397 – [email protected] Good luck
and see you on the links.